Honoring Periods of Slowness in Motherhood
I was struggling with what topic to discuss in this month’s blog post, because in all honesty, I am in such a slow season right now and didn’t think I had anything to offer up for valuable blog content... but, I was lovingly reminded by a dear OT friend that honoring slowness is admirable and absolutely valuable, and that sharing my experience can be therapeutic for myself, but also can help others process what’s going on for them too. So, I’m going to share my thoughts with you here in a short but sweet blog post, in hopes that I meet you where you are at and help you feel seen.
Being a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) is something I wholeheartedly enjoy, and I wouldn’t trade getting to spend all day with my girl - seeing her meet all her milestones in real time, watching in awe as she learns about the world, supporting her when she needs extra love, nourishing her, etc. - for anything. However, sometimes I feel like the SAHM life can prevent you from feeling like your own person. To some extent, I am totally okay with that because it’s not my turn to selfishly do whatever I want, whenever I want, and it is an absolute honor and privilege to be a tiny person’s everything. BUT, if we lose touch with ourselves too much, then we can sometimes feel overwhelmed and can stretch ourselves too thin. I am guilty of pouring my heart into everything I’m passionate about, while losing sight of where my energy matters most. I’ve been trying to navigate this season of life with this motto: I’m losing myself in motherhood, but I’m also my own guiding north star. To me, this means still engaging in activities that bring me joy (walking, reading, baking), while fully pouring into and embracing the responsibilities that come with being a mom.
Recently, I have been in a period of slowness; a stage of life where God is pulling on my heart to slow down. I’ve taken a little break from seeing clients, posting/creating content on social media, and networking because every time I did, I felt like it was too much. I fully believe that when we feel like this, it has a purpose, and even if we don’t know what that purpose is, it is important to honor those feelings and take care of ourselves and our families. Always remember that you are replaceable in every area of your life (work, school, volunteering, etc.), but you are not replaceable at home. Let that be your guiding mantra for how you allocate your personal energy and resources. I promise your family will thank you.
So, if you’ve been feeling tugged to slow down, or if you needed a reminder to get back to the things that bring you joy, make you feel true to yourself, and fill your cup so you can be a better mom…let this be your reminder. Slow down, do all of those things, and then go home and hug your babies. We are constantly surrounded by how scary and overwhelming the world can be, so let’s bring it back to our hearts’ centers: right in the arms of little tiny humans who think the world of us. Enjoy every second you get with your babies. Time is fleeting and we never get it back.
Sending you so much love, mama xoxo